Foxwoods Rewards
How can I get a Foxwoods Rewards Card?
The Foxwoods Rewards Card is the free player rewards card for Foxwoods Resort Casino. We’re excited to have you join! Please visit the Foxwo...
How can I link my Foxwoods Rewards Card in FoxPlay Casino?
To link your Foxwoods Rewards Card, open up FoxPlay Casino. Navigate to the FoxPlay My Rewards icon located at the bottom right of the scree...
I forgot my rewards number.
Your rewards number is printed on your Foxwoods Rewards Card. If you cannot locate your rewards card, you will need to visit the Foxwoods Re...
I cannot link my rewards card.
We are sorry to hear that you are encountering issues linking your Foxwoods Rewards Card. Please visit the Foxwoods Rewards desk in person t...
How can I find out how many rewards points I’ve earned?
To see how many rewards points you’ve earned, please visit the Foxwoods Rewards desk, and an associate would be happy to assist you.
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